Es emocionante e inspirador que Brother Filtration haya cooperado con una gran empresa de servicios de agua en 2022, tuvimos la oportunidad de participar en los 2-3 proyectos de esta empresa de servicios de agua.
Antes de ofrecer soluciones de filtración para esta gran empresa de servicios de agua, hicimos un análisis exhaustivo de sus sistemas de filtración existentes.
Ya han utilizado el módulo de alto caudal FRP en sus nuevos proyectos, especialmente para el contenedor compacto, que sólo tiene un espacio limitado.
Para su sistema de filtración existente, empezaron a cambiar todos los cartuchos de filtro convencionales. El operario de este proyecto se quejó del tiempo necesario para cambiar los cartuchos filtrantes.
Además, es un problema común en los EE.UU., tienen que pagar altos costos de mano de obra en comparación con China. Sin embargo, tenemos que admitir que todos esos problemas se resolverían con el desarrollo de la tecnología y equipos de filtración más avanzados.
Excepto por lo que hemos mencionado antes, el mayor tiempo de cambio y los elevados costes de mano de obra, aún necesitamos examinar en detalle todo el proyecto.
Agua bruta: agua de mar
Temperatura: temperatura ambiente 20-30°℃
Caudal del proyecto(m3/h): 180m3/h
Debido a las limitaciones de espacio, el diseño es máximo compacto incluso 2 etapas de corriente se montan arriba y abajo.
FRP-X cartuchos de alto flujo filtro recipiente
Filtro de cartucho: MAX-A filtro de cartucho de alto flujo
Longitud: 60inch
Ubicación del puerto: de lado a lado, de lado a lado
Aunque lDE quiere reducir sus costes y tiempo de mantenimiento, también quiere mantener la calidad de todo el sistema de filtración.El FRP-X proporcionado por Brother Filtration tiene un precio más bajo que el FRP-FLOW
Les preocupa la calidad del FRP-X, más asequible. Brother Filtration comprendió totalmente lo que piensan nuestros clientes, y demostraremos la calidad mediante el rendimiento operativo real.
El primer problema que queremos explicar es el precio. ¿Por qué FRP-X es tan asequible? La razón principal es la estructura.Para el proyecto normal, la presión tiene que llegar a 5-6 bar, que FRP-X absolutamente puede manejar.Porque Brother Filtración FRP-X es fuerte y lo suficientemente bueno.
Para tenerlo más claro, hemos hecho una comparación a continuación.
Serie Max-A (reemplazo de Pall)
Espesor de la pared como el punto 1 indicado en la imagen anterior
FRP-X pared es de tipo recto.
La pared de salida de FRP-Flow es más gruesa.
Debido a la estructura de la pared de FRP-Flow, puede ser resistente a una mayor presión de hasta 20bar. Sin embargo, esto no significa que FRP-X no es capaz de igualar la presión del proyecto. Para una presión de funcionamiento normal de 150 psi (10 bar), FRP-X es lo suficientemente resistente como para soportar estas condiciones de funcionamiento.
Tipo de cierre abierto
FRP-X: tipo abrazadera
FRP-FLOW: tuercas giratorias
FRP-FLOW filtro de cartucho de alto flujo puede ser personalizado, y más flexible.
La ubicación de entrada / salida se puede personalizar para un rendimiento de presión mucho mayor.
El material de entrada/salida puede ser
En conclusión,FRP-X tiene muchas capacidades competitivas para manejar la filtración de alto flujo con menores costos y menos mano de obra. Puede reducir eficazmente los costes y el tiempo de mantenimiento para los clientes. Con su diseño compacto, se puede aplicar a áreas de espacio limitado.
Brother Filtration también fabrica muchos cartuchos de filtro de alto flujo para las necesidades de alto flujo, si usted tiene un interés en nuestros equipos de filtración de alto flujo, por favor no dude en contactar con nosotros directamente.
The ocean occupies most of our planet, and desalination has been used more and more widely over the past 20 years. By using reverse osmosis systems, we help desalination plants to do their job and further help more plants to solve the problem of water shortage.
Every chemical plant is inseparable from industrial water filtration systems. Whether it is the purification and filtration of raw materials and final products or the treatment of industrial wastewater and unwanted chemicals generated during the production process, industrial filtration is a top priority.
Most petrochemical industry products are stored in large containers, such as diesel, gasoline, and fuel oil. This type of storage is highly likely to lead to impurities in the products and affect the product quality. Our mission is to offer efficient and reliable filtration systems for the petrochemical industry so that purification is not a big challenge.
The extremely rapid growth of the pharmaceutical industry has created a greater demand for industrial filtration. Whether it’s upstream cell fermentation, purification, or filtration, we can provide the solution. In addition, We are committed to filtration and separation, protecting the reliability and safety of production equipment.
The food and beverage industry is closely related to the daily life and health of each of us. Therefore, we must meet higher standards to filter these products. As your experts, we help you improve product quality, reduce production costs, and safeguard everyone’s health.
Nature itself has the ability to treat wastewater. But with the huge increase in human production and living activities, it can no longer handle such large amounts of wastewater. We, as industrial treatment producers, help nature to share the burden of wastewater treatment.
Industrial wastewater from mining activities contains high volumes of heavy metals, particulates, and residual chemicals. Wastewater must be purified and filtered in order not to pollute our water resources. We help your plant meet wastewater discharge standards.
In order to extract oil more efficiently and conveniently, large amounts of water must be injected underground to ensure water pressure. And since precious water resources are limited, our technology allows wastewater to be purified so that it can be reused.
When it comes to marine filtration, the first scene that appears in people’s is usually the sea or seawater. But marine filtration is more than seawater. A crucial resource on this planet is seawater. Large amounts of seawater are needed to generate fresh water for drinking and irrigation in locations with a lack of fresh water, just as ships sailing on the ocean need a lot of it for ballast water to keep the ship balanced. Marine filtration is not only about the seawater, but also the transported seawater. The ballast water is a kind of transportation of water. The cargo ships load the seawater from one place and discharge it at another port. The seawater traveled with the cargo ship in ballast tanks. This is the point many people will be indifferent about, the filtration before the discharge of the ballast water. People are familiar that we can not drink seawater directly, because it contains large quantities of salt and contaminants. But why do we need filtration for ballast water? it is just the seawater discharge into seawater. With the development of the environmental protection concept and the perfection of the law, we are constrained to filter the ballast…
The science and practice of extracting metals or metal compounds from minerals and transforming them into metallic materials with specific qualities using a variety of processing techniques is known as metallurgy. With the development of technology and the metallurgy industry, the filtration market in this area grows quickly annually. The need for filtration is increasing and the filter equipment is also developing. In the metallurgy industry, the rolling mill coolant and lubricate system need a filtration system. Equipment coolant and lubricating oil need to be filtered to remove contaminants and accomplish recycling in the metallurgical process in order to save input costs. Filtration can help to extend equipment service life and help equipment stay at optimum level. Based on their different filtration needs and characteristic, they have respective suitable filtration elements. For the rolling mill coolant system, continuous filtration is crucial, so the automative self-cleaning filter is a great choice for this system. When it comes to the hydraulic and lubricating system, the most important point is to remove the tiny metal debris and other impurities generated due to thermalization. Depth filter cartridge can be the best choice for this operation, which can effectively eliminate the undesired micro impurities. Brother Filtration,…
The Paper industry has a centuries-old history, our ancients used the traditional way to produce paper, and now we use advanced technology to produce more delicate and high-quality paper for all kinds of uses. The tissue, the printing, publication, and the packaging, all need paper. Behind the pliable and smooth surface of a piece of paper, there are many procedures that need filtration. The starch slurry, which is the primeval form of the paper requiring filtration to improve the quality and eliminate the undissolved starch particles. The exquisite coated paper, you often find in magazines or the first few pages of a book, is processed by the coating technology. The coating paints also need to be filtered. According to the viscosity level, there are different types of filters suitable for low-viscosity and high-viscosity liquids. Water is the basic and key resource for many industries, pulp & paper is no exception. Using a filtration system to filter lakes or rivers’ water is a cost-effective way to do water resources management. Additionally, wastewater can be reused and lawful discharged after filtration. Filtration plays an important role in the pulp & paper industry, infiltration for this field, automative self-cleaning filter is the most…